The big events and milestones typically, eventually, make their way into a blog post cementing them in the timeline of my life. But often, too often, the small moments sit on my hard drive – unnoticed, undiscovered, unremembered. Nothing colossal enough to weave into something of its own, but not trivial enough to let the moment pass by without grabbing my real camera.
Our Daily Moments was a series I did here for several months in which I documented a full day each month. I really liked the daily life aspect of that photo challenge and how it caused me to bring out the camera in unposed moments, but I’ve had a hard time maintaining it. It is not that my camera isn’t already sitting out within grabbing distance all day long, but more so that not every moment is begging to be captured. In fact, sometimes a moment is better remembered in the simple and finicky recesses of my mind.
But for the photos I did take, I wanted there to be something. From My Camera is a new series for this year. It comes out of the culling and editing of a months worth of photos and seeing what is leftover. It speaks to the seasons, our seasons, and what happens when you always have camera lying around the house.
January 2024

Winter sunlight on January afternoons.

Bruce and I at the kitchen table together first thing in the morning reading our Bibles, drinking coffee, and being serenaded by a cacophony of child requests and interruptions. It’s the good stuff.

My twirling Princesses.

One of the most played games in our house: Chase, Tackle, Jump, Run!

Millie’s request to go to “Archie’s New House” on her actual birthday to celebrate. The easiest yes ever.

Three Colorado girls making a snowman.

I got this Prayer Journal to give as a gift but it is was just too lovely not to take a couple photos of! I really loved how it broke up prayers and created spaces to intentionally pray through verses, people, situations, and more. The inclusion of hymns and sample prayers is also encouraging and this is one book you won’t mind leaving out on your side table at all times! I might just need a copy for myself as well!
Love that picture of Millie!
Me too! I just have to accept it is poppy and not one of their “cute” stuffies! HAHA
Love seeing all of these photos of your life. <3 what sweet moments
Thanks so much Amy!