My peppy, sassy, sweet, middle child told me she wanted a pool party for her 3rd birthday and we couldn’t say no. In fact, Bruce quickly picked the place perfect for a January pool party and I booked online at Woodland Park Aquatic Center. We’re home partiers over here because the guest list can include EVERYONE but when your birthday is in January and therefore the backyard is not part of the square footage of the party space, it is nice to get out!
Since I am a sucker for tradition, we still created a birthday display for the head table complete with a number balloon. I don’t know why, but I LOVE number balloons and I will get them for all my kids forever. $10 well spent every time. I also figured out that you can make any cake a mermaid cake when you put a barbie mermaid on top of it. Although, this one didn’t bend as well with the mermaid fins on, so she just lounged instead of sat… oh well!
Party Details: Nothing Bunt Cakes with Barbie Mermaid, Under the Sea Characters, and Glitter Green “3” Candle for my green loving girl! Puppy chow on the table (as always) and balloons from Party City (also as always!)