Just this week we celebrated our first year in this home! It went as fast and as slow as a year with a newborn during COVID goes 😉 I’ve been exceedingly grateful for this home in this unexpected season. It is so clear why the Lord randomly put it on our hearts to look for a home and how this house just fell into our laps the first day we looked at homes. This house is way easier to stay at home in without going crazy!
On our first anniversary of this home, I figured it was time for another project! COVID has impacted my income and so we have been able to get significantly less done than we thought we would one year into home ownership here. Sometimes that is really hard for me to be okay with but at the same time, this house is already more than enough for us! It may take us a little longer to get a new project completed since we have to save up for it, but isn’t that kind of reality for most of us?! We don’t all have deep pockets to snap our fingers and make our magazine dreams come true. It takes time and planning. So drumroll please… the entryway!
In true Oak + Oats “reveal” fashion, this area isn’t technically done. We want to add a floating bench to this space but that hasn’t happened yet (although we did buy the wood for it when we were buying the wood for the shelf!) A fun fact is that unlike a lot of my other reveals, this space actually DOES have baseboards! And they look so good!
Ta-da! Would you look at that before and after?!? When we first moved in and we were doing all our demo, we knocked out this closet. It felt SO claustrophobic when you walked in. Plus it was awkwardly small on the inside. We knew right away we wanted to turn it into an entryway nook for coats and shoes to give them a home but also give our entryway more space for moving!
I decided that one of the things I wanted most in this space was a photo ledge that I could display a photo gallery over the coat hooks. One of my favorite things about our livingroom is the long shelf that holds so many of our photos and I wanted to incourporate a bit of that here. Since I had a pretty spicifc request and size, Bruce just made it for me! It turned out more beautiful than I could have even imagined! We used maple wood to make the shelf and we are going to use the same type to make the bench. I got the hooks here and I’m pretty sure we’re going to end up adding four more because you can never have enough hooks!
Photo Ledge + Poster Art
All of the art we got for this space is from The Poster Store! The Poster Store not only has beautiful and affordable art prints, but also stunning frames to go with them. After days of pouring through all the prints and agonizing over what theme to define this space by, it hit me! I wanted tp use this art to tell the story of the season. So right now it is Autumn and by December 21st (I still have time!) I can switch it to Winter! I’ll roatate the photos out for each season and I am loving the idea of change while still staying the same!
Autumn theme
Autumn Forest Poster 19.7″ x 27.6″ || Autumn Leaf Poster 11.8″ x 15.7″ || Eucalyptus Watercolour Poster 5.1″ x 7.1″ || I Love You Poster 8.3″ x 11.8″ || Mountain Landscape Poster 19.7″ x 27.6″
I am super impressed with the quality of these prints! ORdering online I didn’t know what to expect but the paper and print is just quality! Starting today and ending on Monday, you can save 45% on all posters (except Selection Posters and frames) when you use code: oakandoats45
*Not combinable with other discount campaigns. Valid during Black Friday throughout Cyber Monday.
You may also have noticed that there is color on the wall! When we moved into this house it was a hot mess. I just wanted to get everything back to a clean, bright white and add color from there. This is the first wall of color up in our house! We went with wallpaper from Photowall because I just love the texture wallpaper adds to a space.
It took me too long to settle on the right wallpaper – I’ve spent hours on Photowall’s website because they have an endless amount of options! I narrowed it down to three and called in the big guns (aka my Instagram stories voters!) We ended up buying “C” and I am so happy I went with the darkest of the three – Pink Calcite! Sometimes it looks darker and other times (like when the sun is shining on it) it looks much lighter. I kind of love that part a lot!
It’s real wallpaper so this was the first time I’ve ever done such a thing! I’ve got two more walls ready to be wallpapered so we’ll be pros by the time we are all done 😉 It was actually better than I thought it would be to install and is much more durable than the sticky kind of wallpaper we typically use. The color goes perfectly with our Autumn photos but it will also go with all the seasons – it matches our home and our lives pretty perfectly. From now until December 25th you can save 25% discount on any product on Photowall with code: oakandoats25
So there it is!! I LOVE how this room came together! It takes awhile to make a house feel like a home but I have never felt so in sync with my style and functionality before. These spaces feel like me and they feel like my family. And that’s the most imporant part of decorating a space! Speaking of famiy, I thought we could end with a couple photobomb photos!
I seriously LOVE this so much. It is such a beautiful pop of color but the wooden tones and stunning pictures really help to tie it all together. It’s such a cherry hello to welcome those who come over!