July 14th 2020
It is time for another Our Daily Moments. The goal is to both take these photos AND post them in the same month but that doesn’t always happen around here. I frequently need to remind myself that my timeline/ deadlines are not set in stone and it is okay for me to be flexible. I’m proud to say there are MANY things in my life that come before blogging. Even if I never get these photos up, I will have taken them for myself and can still look back on them in the archives of my computer!
So without further adieu, here is July 14th 2020 in film.

1-2: Millie has been waking up early to nurse and I started just bringing her into bed with us. I love this squishy baby face!!

3-4: Hilde loves to climb up into our bed once she is awake! She always looks for Millie so she can say good morning!

5-8: Just hanging out in mom & dad’s room before we all head downstairs!

9-10: One of her favorite games to play is bedtime. She puts all her animals and dolls down for bed and goes around telling you to be quiet! It’s adorable!

11: Always trying to drink my drinks.

12- 16: Playing together.

17- 18: Putting on a show for her little sister. Singing the classic “Anna!” also known as, “Love is an Open Door!”

19: Trying something new for lunch. She only ate the cheese and pepperonis!

20-21: Eating some baby cereal and watching Tarzan.

22: Watching cars drive by and dogs walk by. Someone isn’t so excited about sharing her seat with her little sister…

23-26: Playing on the back porch while it rains.

27-32: Putting Millie up out of the way of her eager sister. She still finds plenty of ways to play with her, but Millie is just a bit safer than sitting on the floor.

32-36: Walk before dinner with dad. And a big sister waking up her little sister when we got home.
Want in? Join us! Our Daily Moments is all about capturing your every day moments in a non-stressful way so I started an email list where I will send you monthly reminders to make it happen! Plus I send a nifty download with my tips & tricks for making this day easy and fun. Click here!
Millie’s squishy baby face is just AHH SO CUTE! Hilde performing in the family room is just the BEST!
I know!!! She is really chunking up!