Ask Elizabeth: What are you doing during this pregnancy to keep up with everything?! I’m nervous about trying for baby #2!!
I can honestly say that after being pregnant back to back, the second time is so different. While many of the things are exactly the same – the outgrowing of the clothes, the baby kicks, the food (& ride) restrictions, the cravings, there are also so many things that are different. Things like the fact that I cannot just nap whenever I want, that I have to carry a 24lbs baby up and down the stairs for diaper changes & nap time, and just the general fact that I have a 13 month old who gets into EVERYTHING!
It’s not all bad. In many ways it is more fun this time. I know a bit more what to expect and every time I feel the baby move around, I know it’s Hilde’s little sister in there growing! It really is incredible how your love doesn’t get divided but instead multiplies! And no matter when the season (be it 9 months later or 9 years later) having a second kid is a different experience. But that doesn’t mean it is bad! There is grace in these seasons and gifts that outweigh the hard!
While my days can be a bit chaotic, there are five things I am doing to stay sane and healthy this pregnancy!
Drink Water
This is SO important! For some reason this pregnancy I have been less motivated to drink water. I am a huge water drinker in my normal life so I have really had to push myself to keep drinking water during the day! Ice helps so we’ve been making sure our ice machine is hard at work all summer! I also have a water bottle that I take in the car and everywhere I go to keep the water intake up! I can feel the difference when I am not drinking enough water and it is an easy thing to do to take care of your body!
Go to Bed On Time
This one is huge for me! I was a night-owl before Hilde was born and still am a bit. Because I work from home, I don’t have any morning routines that make me get up early. In fact, I still sleep until Hilde wakes up which is anywhere from 7:15 – 8:15 (she did the later today!!) When I was pregnant with Hilde, I stayed up late and slept in everyday. Now that I have a baby who can wake me up at 7 am, I need to make sure I am getting to bed on time! For me that means 10 pm. While often I want to stay up later, I know my body needs the rest and I cannot just sleep in or nap the next day to make up for it. Going to bed on time is one way I can really care for this body and the baby growing inside!
Take Prenatal Vitamins
This is so easy to do and makes such a difference for my body! I try to do this first thing to start my day on the right foot! Make sure you have a vitamin that is giving your body what it needs. My OBGYN made me get one with good iron levels just because mine always plummet during pregnancy!
Take a Daily Walk
This one is for health and sanity! Getting out of the house every day for a walk helps me get a bit of a work out and a stretch and gives Hilde a change in scenery. We take the stroller out every day and sometimes stop to play a bit at the park! I am so excited the weather is cooling off a bit because those hot summer days literally melted me and our walks were much shorter!
Find Ways to Outsource
I’m not just talking about business, I am also talking about home life! Being pregnant with a 13 month old is a lot of work for this mama. I have been finding ways that we can save time/ sanity by outsourcing things. We have been paying someone to come clean our house for us every other week and it is magical. It really makes such a difference as I only focus on picking things up during the week and I know we will get a good cleaning soon. I have also been ordering all our groceries online with Walmart Grocery and scheduling a time to pick them up each week (it’s free!) This is great because I can order groceries while feeding Hilde lunch and then we can pick them up the next morning without having to get out of the car and wander around the store! Not only does it save time but it also helps me stick to my budget!
That’s it! Those are the five things I am focusing on this pregnancy to stay healthy, happy, and sane! It is such a wonderful yet demanding season. It is important to make sure I am caring for myself while caring for my baby girls too!
PS: This Maternity Drapey Nursing Knit Cardigan from GAP is something I picked up last year when I was pregnant with Hilde and they still have it! It is perfect for nursing, maternity, and just daily life! I’ve worn this countless times!