Big news people! Our little family is growing and our baby girl is going to be a big sister! I feel like I am still in shock. I’m 13 weeks, took 3 pregnancy tests, have seen the ultrasound, experienced all the first trimester woes, and I still cannot believe I am pregnant! haha. It is an exciting season for sure filled with so much unknown! This time around I know more of what to expect with pregnancy and birth and newborn life but TWO?!? I do not know what to expect with two kiddos! I guess we are all just winging it!
It feels like just yesterday I was writing this post to announce our pregnancy with Hilde and in truth it wasn’t that long ago! Our kiddos will be a year and a half a part – Crazy? Yes but also fun? You bet! Again my first trimester was kind of crappy. I just don’t rock the first trimester. haha! I retreated and spent all my energy trying to take care of my family and going to bed the same time as Hilde! I am just starting to come out of the first trimester fog and feel more like myself which is always magical. I finally get to be back to blogging and instagraming – I was MIA for a couple months if you didn’t notice! haha.
I’ve got a million post ideas in my head but time is still hard to come by to write them all. If you have any questions about the first trimester, I want to do another post again this time around because while some things were still very much the same, a lot of things were different!
I am a big sister and watching Hilde turn into one as well melts this mama heart. So thankful to the Lord for His gracious gifts and so excited for this new season as a family! Baby #2 is due January 2020 which gives us something to look forward to in one of my least favorite months! YAY!
PS: Photos by the talented Ashlee Kay Photography and Big Sis shirt from Etsy!