Recently I’ve been dreaming real big. It’s come with a whole lot of doubt, fear of the unknown, and a million questions. Also an insane drive to do everything at once yet frozen in my steps. It’s a pretty mood swingy season to say the least 😉 Anyways, I’ve been bombing my blog & photographer friends with questions and really finding encouragement in their words as I talk everything out.
We need people. We need each other.
That’s why in the middle of everything going on Sam of Elah Tree, Meg of Rivers & Roads, and I created a FB group so that we could all connect. Our google chats have been so helpful for us over the years, we wanted to open that community up and create a place where we can all learn together. We all bring something unique to the table and that is the beauty of it all. The blog community is not too saturated – there is a place for your voice and we want to encourage you on your way!!
So today I am excited to offer you an exclusive invite to The Mountainside Gathering!! The Mountainside Gathering is a private Facebook community where we empower & encourage progress over perfection & community over competition. We plan on having fun learning (think book clubs & classes), sharing our struggles & seeking advice, plus just connecting & encouraging each other along the way!
Are you looking for a place to encourage and be encouraged?
Are you looking for a place to learn, ask questions, and collaborate with others?
Are you wanting a community of people who share similar passions?
If you answered yes to any and all of these questions, then you are in the right place! All you need to do is sign up below and you will get a link to The Mountainside Gathering!
Yes yes yes!!! Women empowering each other, exactly what the world needs more of and certainly what I need more of. Lets build a great community, I love you for sharing this 🙂 <3 Thank you so much
YAY! I am so glad to have you on board! It is always fun and scary to start something new! I am encouraged by your enthusiasm!
I love this idea!
YAY! Kendall! I am so glad you are on board!
so pumped for this beth, sam + meg!
it’s going to be awesome! <3 <3 <3
and you're right. we DO need each other, the encouragement, the love, the spurring forward
PS – i absolutely adore that picture of you! <3
YAY! I’m so glad you’re in!!!
Also thanks so much!!!
Love this idea- good job!
Thanks so much!!!