Beautiful lattes and quaint coffee shops will always have my heart – so when I heard about a Tiny House Coffee Shop in Downtown Colorado Springs, I did what any coffee lover would do and I planned a coffee date! Story Coffee Company is new to town and within minutes of walking inside I could tell you it felt kinda like home. Don and Carissa instantly welcomed us and invited us into the story. While Don was making our drinks we heard all about the journey of this tiny coffee house and the roasters behind the coffee we were about to drink. We shared a bit about us and the Colorado life we live – Meg shared all about her new move here from the South (she has the exciting story to share ;)) Beautiful lattes in hand, we sat down on stools by large windows, and continued telling stories.
I think that is what I love most about coffee shops – the people & the conversations. While I am a HUGE fan of working in coffee shops (and people watching all day) there was something so wonderful about the tiny tables and the lack of electrical outlets. It made us sit closer, look at each other, and be just a bit more intentional with one another. It is funny how coffee shops just bring all the conversations out of you – dreams, hopes, fears, stories, and all those things are hearts are learning. Things freer to say with a mug in hand and away from all the distractions & responsibilities of home ( & work.)
We’ll be back here (you better believe it) and if you are a Colorado local or ever in town, you need to stop by and say hello. Listen to the stories and share yours – it is a safe place.
LOCATION: Colorado Springs, CO Downtown
This is so cool! Tiny spaces for the win!
I know right?!?!