When I first started blogging I had no idea I would ever want/ need business cards for my blog. Business cards were something that came with “real” jobs that you handed out to people when they needed to remember your email or you drop in the bowl at Chipotle to win lunch for the office. It wasn’t before long that I realized that just like those real jobs that I imagined, bloggers need business cards too – for so many of the same things! ( Yes, even trying to win those office parties at Chipotle!) When I got my new brand design I knew I needed new business cards to fit the change! I turned to Minted to create these little beauties and got to thinking about why other bloggers need business cards too! Here are five reasons you need business cards as a blogger:
Creating your own business card is a quick way to add to & strengthen your blog brand (as long as it is on brand 😉 .) Putting your logo and your colors on print materials will help when you travel, share, connect, and dream. Make sure that when you create your cards that you are comfortable with the information you put on them and keep them connected with your overall brand!
Sometimes you are out and about and people ask you what you do. If you are brave or just get talking for awhile, your blog may come up! They might not be able to remember your URL off the top of their head or have their phone nearby for you to plug in the digits. If you have your card, you can take that opportunity to network in the real world and hand over your card! Make sure to add some of your favorite social medias to the card so that they can also follow you there!
If you have a physical product that you send out you really need to have business cards. Not only does it help the receive remember who it is from but it allows them an instant way to remember to interact with you. If you don’t send out anything you may be thinking this part doesn’t matter but how many times have you sent a blog related note or participated in a swap? It is always great to throw in a business card during all those interactions!
Business cards help you feel more legit and rooted in your blog. You may blog part time or full time but it is still a job! Set up that adorable card holder on your desk and enjoy the feeling of having your very own business cards!
Last but not least, you got to have those business cards to enter all those giveaways at your favorite eateries! What if you win?! Then you get to gather your friends and family for a little lunch on the blog! That’s pretty fun!
Do you have business cards for your blog? Where did you get them? I’ve always gotten mine from Minted and I love them! The quality is unmatched!
I love your business cards! I need to update mine (they no longer are on brand) and I will have to look into minted this time. They are so perfect!
YES! I love love love Minted! They have so many adorable options!
Do you have two different kinds of business cards? I love them both! Why did you decide to do that?
Your cards are beautiful! I love the design on the back.
Thanks!! I wanted to put a couple of my logos on the back!!!
Yours look amazing!
These are great reasons! Thanks for sharing! This is something I eventually want to do 🙂
You should! They are so fun to have! I love Minted – It may be fun to order a couple and see how you like them!!
First off, your blog design is awesome! Second, I moved to Colorado in January and LOVE IT, but have been having a hard time finding some good Colorado bloggers to connect with! What part of the state do you live in? I’d love to chat more.
I have personal business cards that reflect my blogging brand, but I haven’t gone full-out and made blog business cards yet. I think it’s because I’m not 110% sure I’m fully branded yet. I like what I’ve got going for me now, but I’m still trying to tweak and such.
But I love yours! And I definitely think they are an important step in taking yourself seriously as not only a blogger, but a business owner.
You’re cards are really good looking! I might have to get cards too. And then I need confidence to actually give one to someone 😀
Agree, business cards are SO important! Especially when you’re out networking or attending an event!
For sure! I know so many people who have a hard time justifying them or they just straight up forget about them as a blogger!
def def winning the fish bowl lotteries! i love the design you went with – the gold touch pops puuurfectly with the blogs in your logo!
Thanks so much Annie!!!
Beautiful!! I love these!