Happy Monday! This week we are doing something new and fun on the blog called FRIENDSHIP WEEK. It all started when Megs moved here at the beginning of the summer and we went to camp to say hi to friends and realized it was LITERALLY the 10 year anniversary of our friendship (you can see Instagram proof here!) 10 years ago that day we were both dropped off by our parents for five weeks to spend on the Crew program at Eagle Lake Camp.
So we’ve been celebrating our 10 year friendversary pretty much these last four weeks and wanted to spend the last week of camp (even though it has been years since we were there) celebrating friendship – not just ours, but all of ours!
So, we would like to welcome you to FRIENDSHIP WEEK! I know a lot of you follow both of our blogs so we wanted to invite you into our friendship and we also wanted to have some fun. There will be cool things in store for the rest of the week (maybe even a giveaway – hint, hint, wink, wink) and we are starting it all with a riveting game of Truth or Truth.
We call this truth or truth because you cannot really do truth or dare over the interwebs (even though my husband just leaned over my shoulder and said we could if we tried hard enough… but we are not going to! 😉 ) I’ve got 5 questions on my blog and Megs has 5 on hers, so make sure you check out both posts to get all the gooey details!