I’ve discovered that homemade ice cream is not only fun to make but it is pretty easy. Every flavor usually has the same base – Milk, Heavy Whipping Cream, Sugar, and Eggs. I’ve got the base down to an art and I can whip up a batch in a jiff! After that, the possibilities are endless!
I am a fan of the simple, smooth, semi-sweet ice creams. The ones that let you know they are a dessert but don’t overwhelm you with a sugar rush! Chocolate Chip is one of those ice creams for me so I set out to make it! I grabbed a bar of 80% coco at Trader Joes and started making my base by heart.
1 Cup Milk
1 Cup Heavy Whipping Cream
1 Tbs Vanilla Extract
2 Eggs
1/2 Cup Bakers Sugar
1 Dark Chocolate Candy Bar
1. In a pan, heat up the milk and whipping cream on medium heat until it simmers. Add in Vanilla.
2. In a separate bowl, whip the eggs and sugar together until fluffy.
3. Slowly add the simmering milk mixture to the eggs and continue whisking together.
4. Once all mixed, set in fridge until completely cool (4-6 hours)
5. Using a knife, cut up the candy bar into chocolate slivers.
6. Pour mixture into ice cream maker, add chocolate shredding, and follow manufacturer’s instructions (usually let mix about 20-30 minutes.)
6. Enjoy right away for a soft serve taste or place in freezer proof container and let freeze for 5+ hours to achieve an ice cream consistency.
PS: I am using the KitchenAid Ice Cream Maker attachment for all these recipes and I love it! I recommend it if you already have a KitchenAid and are wanting to get into making ice cream!

Have you ever made your own ice cream? Is this a go-to flavor of yours? This is such a fun summer treat! I would love to see your photos if you make it! #oakandoats
RELATED: Kiwi Ice Cream , Fresh Raspberry & Vanilla Ice Cream, Dairy Free Double Chocolate Ice Cream
mmm… trader joes dark chocolate is the BEST!
We are finally busting out our ice cream maker, which we have never used despite getting it as a gift 1.5 years ago, for our housewarming party! I am stealing all of your recipes 🙂
for reals!
YAY! Make them all. You totally got this!
Nothing like good ol' classic chocolate chip ice cream 🙂 Those waffle bowls are so cute! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's
Ugh, these photos are so good. I'm coming over at lunch to taste test this new recipe. 😉
we already ate it all… haha
Let me know what kind you want and I can make it for you!
Thanks! I picked them up at the store!
Girrrrrl. This looks so good! I remember making a few batches of icecream when I was little, but I remember it being complicated. Looks like I'm going to have to give it another try! I have a frozen yogurt maker thingy that a friend gave to me when she moved to NYC, but I've yet to use it. I wonder if I can make icecream in it. I'm gonna find out! 🙂 Thanks for the recipe!