Butterfingers are one of those candy bars that I always want to throw into my cart when I am waiting in line at the grocery store. They are chocolatey but not too chocolatey. And what ever that buttery, crispy, inside part that gets stuck up in your teeth is, it is good!
Nothing like adding your favorite candy bar to your ice cream! But really, add your favorite candy bar to your ice cream! This recipe is so easy and is obviously wonderful with Butterfingers but you can substitute with any candy bar of your choosing!
1 Cup Milk
1 Cup Heavy Whipping Cream
1 Tbs Vanilla Extract
2 Eggs
1/2 Cup Bakers Sugar
4 or 5 fun size Butterfinger candy bars
1. In a pan, heat up the milk and whipping cream on medium heat until it simmers. Add in Vanilla.
2. In a separate bowl, whip the eggs and sugar together until fluffy.
3. Slowly add the simmering milk mixture to the eggs and continue whisking together.
4. Once all mixed, set in fridge until completely cool (4-6 hours)
5. Unwrap candy bars and place in a plastic Ziploc bag. Use your hand or a mallet to break them up.
6. Pour mixture into ice cream maker, add crumbled candy, and follow manufacturer’s instructions (usually let mix about 20-30 minutes.)
6. Enjoy right away for a soft serve taste or place in freezer proof container and let freeze for 5+ hours to achieve an ice cream consistency.
PS: I am using the KitchenAid Ice Cream Maker attachment for all these recipes and I love it! I recommend it if you already have a KitchenAid and are wanting to get into making ice cream!

Make sure you check out my summer of Ice Cream Recipes! I’ve been working through one a week and have plenty for you to try! Check them out here! What is your favorite candy bar that you would mix in?
Man, I love all the ice cream! Have I already said that I want to try to make ice cream now? haha!