LOCATION: Mya Bella Cupcakes – Colorado Springs, CO
If you don’t get out much to explore your city, I recommend you do. I am one who always longs for vacations, for new places, for adventure. But sometimes you do not need to hop on an airplane or stay in a hotel to find something new.
Meredith is my “let’s find something new” friend. We make our husbands go to new breakfast eateries, we try new coffee shops, and we always explore. Last Saturday we met for coffee and wandered around town after. Mere was talking about how she was craving cupcakes because her family back at home in Kansas all stopped at a cupcake bakery that day and sent her pictures. I had a feeling we could find one of our own in Colorado and when we walked by it, both of us lit up!
I took pictures and she picked out cupcakes and we loved the whole thing. Ten minutes later, we were back on the streets, continuing our conversation, and eating more sweets. Look for the adventure around you. I promise it is there. I promise there are gems all around you.
Have you discovered any gems in your city recently? When was the last time you set time aside for a friend and just let the time together go as it may? Do you have a down town or a old town with a lot of shops in the same area? Have you ever been to Old Colorado City?
That is still fun! Maybe invite a new friend to walk around with you. Sometimes it is less pressure because conversation naturally flows!
Do it! And also, walking around Window shopping doesn't have to cost much if anything! I got an iced coffee for $2 and spent the whole morning walking around and I didn't spend anything else!
That's very true. I need to learn to window shop. My problem is, when I "window shop" i always end up buying something 😉
Maybe you can start leaving your wallet at home so you don't have the temptation. Then you can enjoy getting out but still work on your budget!
You never know 😉
These photographs are lovely! I adore discovering new places around town!
Thanks! ME too. Local adventures are a blast!
Please. Please. Please!
Good idea!