Colorado winters (springs, summers, and falls) are sporadic in their weather tendencies. It is something that I have always been thankful for because you never really can get tired of the same old thing. The other day, the Colorado sun was out and warmed up the city to melt all of the snow from the day before and bring the temperatures up to the 60s. We jumped on the opportunity to spend a Sunday afternoon at the park.
Some of you may have heard of slacklining but I also know a lot of you have not. Really it is this hipster things that my husband and all his friends perfected on their college campus at CSU and as counselors at Eagle Lake. I have not perfected the skill but I hope one day to do so as well 😉 You tie up a rope between two trees and walk across it – believe me, it is much harder than it looks but a nice little core workout and fun social event.
We also brought a Frisbee and played a little catch, Bruce showed off his slacklinging skills by passing the Frisbee back and forth while slacklining, and we enjoyed an afternoon in the sunshine. I know it can be hard to get motivated for a little outdoor time, but I will promise you that it is food for the soul.
PS: Laura is rocking the tree pose below #talent
Have you ever slacklined? Are you good at it?! What is one of your favorite things to do outside or at a park? How do you make sure to get some “outdoors” time in during the winter months?
It's funny how most people have a concentration face. You have more important things to be thinking about, though! Like not falling. haha