For the month of November we are styling this long sleeved Be Still & Know shirt from Be Still Clothing. See how each one of us style it and then show us how you style it! Once you get your shirt (this one or any other you fancy from Be Still Clothing) in the mail show us how you style it on your blog, instagram, or twitter! Make sure to use the hashtag #TryStyleCo so that we can see your wonderful creations. The last Tuesday of every month (October 28th) we will be sharing our favorite posts, tweets, and instagrams with everyone!
It is November and that means cooler weather – mostly. I layered up because the day I took these pictures, the weather couldn’t make up its mind! I went with the cute & comfy look (I am a big fan) -leggings, boots, comfy tee, and over-sized cardi! Colorado Autumns, Winters, and really every season, are perfect for lots of layers. It was so easy to throw together something around my Be Still shirt and such a great reminder for my restless soul!
MEGS:This long sleeve coziness was perfect to throw on with a pair of my skinny cords, one of my favorite vests, and my boots for an afternoon at the apple orchard. It’s the perfect layering item for the ever changing Tennessee weather. Bonus: I love how versatile it is in all of its flowy and cozy glory. It can be paired with so many things!
SAMANTHA: This Be Still and Know long sleeve tee really is perfect for the cooler weather that has finally graced the SoCal area. It’s absolutely perfect for adding lots of layers. It’s also super comfortable and can be worn with so many things! Score! I paired this top with a textured cardigan, a pair of skinny jeans and ankle boot wedges. It’s a perfect everyday outfit; fun whimsical and up beat!
I just LOVE that shirt! And I love all three ways to style it…super cute options for the changing seasons. Who do you get to take your pictures for you?!
LOVE. Also, I may have drooled a little over that caramel apple. Bring me one when we go to Disney? 😉 You are beautiful, friend!
I love this idea! That shirt is such a good reminder that I literally need to wear everyday of my life 🙂 Thank you for sharing sweet girl!!
i <3 how you styled it! it is so chill, yet so classy at the same time! (and i heart your boot cuffs!)
I love your cardigan!
This is really cute! I am loving this shirt, and y'all did such a great job styling it. Your cardigan really pulls the outfit together.
Man I love this shirt so much.
I love the cardigan that you paired your shirt with so much! All of your outfits look so cozy!
That shirt looks so comfy! Really thinking about ordering the shirt! Love the cardigans!! Where did you get yours??
Can I have that street? I'll give it back once I take a million pictures on it I promise 😉
(I love the sock/boot…no, I really just love the whole outfit too by the way!!)