I thought that I would kick it old school and throw in some college photos for this post (because we are just so darn cute). As I create my Autumn Bucket List, I cannot help but remember all my past falls. The memories growing up or cider, pumpkins, and homemade Halloween costumes. Then the college years of throwing leaves, fall trips (fall break was a wonderful invention), carving pumpkins, and making cookies. Each year the memories of falls before encourage and inspire my new fall lists! The traditions have to be maintained and the adventures have to continue.
Let me tell you about all these people. This afternoon that continues to inspire my Autumn bucket lists each year. These are the girls of Delta Mu. A sorority we made up because 10 of us lived in this giant farm house just off of campus. We did everything together – vacations, studying, classes (we all practically had the same major), eating, sleeping, living, shopping, and adventuring.
That is the beautiful community of college. Just the shear amount of time that you have to be with people – I mean, you are always with people. Before we lived here, we lived on a hall filled with girls. The falls I spent with these ladies will always be a part of my future falls, just as my childhood memories are woven so deep into my traditions.
1. Favorite fall fashion/clothing item?

Oh! I am excited to see how those turn out!
Ahhhh! Autumn favorites! This is so fun! I miss real Autumn weather.
I'm going through The Circle link ups this afternoon…Let me tell you, fall is the best! I've been thinking about so many of my favorite memories from falls gone by too!