– snow snow snow!
– working from home to avoid the snowy drive
– homemade hot coco
– happy mail from Naptime Diaries!
– Chipotle and Huger Games date with my man opening night
– going to local theater with my parents for a radio theater comedy! (we love going to see shows and performances!)
gift ideas that give back // thoughts by natalie
something special for the holidays // pretty/hungry
every mission field is different // elah tree
a holiday oath for the female human race // little bit funky
holiday gift guide for her
isn’t that sew giveaway – still time to enter to win 2 custom necklaces! don’t miss it!
fox + tote
Q & A a thankful heart
a housewarming gift
grace and lace. i don’t know if any of you are shark tank watchers out there but thanks to them and some other sweet friends, grace and lace was brought to my attention! i am all about boot socks these days because i need at least 6 or 8 due to my lack of doing laundry and this place has them! as well as super great cardigans and scarves! love them!
Not gonna lie, I'm a little jealous of your snow. Care to send some my way, pretty please? 🙂
And I'll have to check out Grace and Lace! I love watching Shark Tank and I also have been on the lookout for a pair of boot socks so it sounds like a great shop to check out!
Can we talk about how great Catching Fire was? Because it was the best.
SOOO great!
i'll try 😉
and yes! boots and socks!
Chipolte and Catching Fire is a winning combo. Can't wait to see it later this week! Also, I'm in love with those boot socks! I wish it were colder here to justify stocking up on them.
Hi! 🙂 Stopping by after you commented on my blog and I am so, so, so happy I did because I have fallen in LOVE. I love your about me section "pretending to be a grown up." I laughed out loud — because that is me, too.
And your weekend looks perfect. I watched Catching Fire, too! It was so great. 🙂
Catching Fire! I'm freaking out! I can't wait to see it! And working from home… always lovely!
I know right!?!? and I always am needing more here in Colorado!
thanks lady!! you are the sweetest!