a couple weeks back i was in one of the most beautiful weddings i have ever attend. it was a beautiful mix of culture – Norwegian & American. on top of that, it was also a YWAM wedding so the wedding was filled with a mix of cultures, languages, and stories. it was wonderful.
these beautiful ladies made up the bridal party. Norwegian tradition does not involve a bridal party (just a maid of honor) but this sweet American never imagined her wedding without one – so she made one. her maid of honor was Norwegian and her roommate throughout her years as a missionary in Norway. there was also a Texan (her sister-in-law), two beautiful Norwegians (her husbands little sisters), a Florida girl who lives in Germany as a missionary (& fellow Eagle Lake friend), and the Colorado Camp girl (that’s me!).
over the two weeks i spent in Norway i became so close to these lovely ladies. it is remarkable how quickly hearts can be tied – just the fact that we each have relationships with the Lord make us able to have much deeper relationship with each other. it makes sense, we are like family and like St. Augustine so eloquently put it, “for although they cling together, no friends are true friends unless you, my God, bind them fast to one another through that love which is sown in our hearts by the Holy Ghost, who is given to us”
i also spent so much sweet time with Dorien of Dorien Scheltens Fotografie. she is a talented Dutch lady who taught me about a lot of things – like stroopwafels are delicious and that Deutsch Blitz is German not Dutch. she is the lady behind the camera in all these pictures and captures the essence of each memory so well. here are the ladies of Norway, i hope you enjoy them.
>>>> now go like Dorien on facebook so that you can continue stalking all her other amazing photos!
the first image is SO nice.
did you go on YWAM? when? one of my dearest friends from college did – she got back in 2008. just wondering if you know her. that might be really naive, considering how many people go on those trips, but i just thought i'd ask! you never know!
Stunning!!! You all look so very lovely =) These photos are a treasure…
Beautiful photos! Everyone looks beautiful! I love how dreamy it looks!
I've been so excited for this Norway post! You ladies look GORGEOUS, and those sweet, Jesus-based friendships are the best 🙂
crapppp…I commented when logged into my school-blog profile. But in case there's confusion, it's the same yourstrulyjuliee @ the college years. Sorry!
how beautiful! i especially love her crown of flowers!
oh my goodness these are so, so beautiful. You all look gorgeous! I love her crown 🙂
Two things: these photos are stunning. and you are so pretty! 🙂
Stroopwaffles….uh yum! Gorgeous pictures girl!