so i was inspired to do a throwback thursday post in honor of prom season and general highschoolness. be warned. you may encounter awkward faces, crappy pictures (and the lack there of some years all together), too much make-up, and random other embarrassing moments.
believe it or not life before facebook and camera phones was hard people! i spent way too long digging for these pictures and there is no way to make these pictures look better 😉
let’s start with the most recent. i think by our senior year we were figuring out how to dress up without looking like crazies. as silly as we looked, i was so blessed to have great friends through out high school. we did everything together and really tried to keep each other sane. i have beautiful memories with these kids… not before i start reminiscing on you, here we go. prom style:

Thanks for the follow. I wish we'd had proms in Germany!
These are precious! Hah I was laughing so hard at that kid in the bright orange suit and hat! I love hearing all your little stories and recounts here. I went to two proms throughout high school. The first one was awkward because I was an underclassmen and didn't know very many people there and I realized later my date was kind of a creep. Hah! My senior year I went to prom with Matt, my current boyfriend, so that was great! It was way better going with someone I know well and love and trust. I just remember having a much better time, and I loved my senior prom dress MUCH more!
*sigh* oh, prom! Okay, my prom story in a nutshell: it was my husband's and my first date 🙂 (and only date until four years later). Without even knowing it at the time, we even got engaged on prom night, exactly five years after our first date!
woot woot! I'm so glad you did this!!!
Umm… dude 2005 was the year for tux's in crazy colors and canes….seriously! our prom that year was busting out with them!
I love what you did senior year, avoid the drama and go with some girl friends!
I think you looked beautiful both years!
oh my goodness these pictures are fantastic! in 2004…I was in 4th grade. and those pictures will never ever be seen on my blog 😉
i don't have any good prom stories BUT I did find my senior prom dress at Goodwill for $15 🙂 it was someone's bridesmaids dress from Alfred Angelo and it fit me perfectly, length and all!
-Jenna Brianne
Oh high school! I wasn't allowed to go to prom, but I if a certain boy I liked had asked me my senior year, I would have gone anyway. Yeah, I was a little rebel 🙂
Aw, so cute, Elizabeth. 🙂 It is funny to take a look back and see how we change. Most the time, it's a good thing! LOL!
I am dying at these pictures. I would tell you about my proms…but you could ask your husband. Haha, I love that we are friends and I could be a part of that story in such a funny way. I love you & can't wait to see ya in May!
This made me smile =) You are so very cute =)
bahahaha your perm. that was the year before we met! 🙂