Motherhood is the best job I have ever had. It is a gift without measure. Honestly, I didn't see it coming. I had no idea that motherhood was going to be the role that I was most proud of - the one that I would be most invested in. The thing I would show up for day after day, and night after night. I didn’t know how much on the job training would be required and how many ways I'd fail and just how many ways I would succeed. I didn’t know I could care so much and put in unlimited extra ... continue reading...
Mother’s Day Gift Guide
Raise Them Kind T-Shirt - $29 || Floral Pop Socket - $15 || Wet/ Dry Bag - $18 || For the Children's Sake - $13 || ESV Journaling Study Bible - $50 || Parker Baby Diaper bag/ Laptop Backpack - $90 || No-Bleed Highlighters - $10 || Willow Tree "Tenderness" - $45 || Every Season Sacred - $16 || Hand-thrown Mama Mug - $35 || Raycon Wireless Bluetooth Earbuds - $80 || Calendar Girl - $115 || Crossbody Bag - $35 || Promptly Journal: A Complete Childhood History - $45 || Magnetic Fridge Frames - ... continue reading...
April Books
I cannot believe that another month has flown by and I am scrambling to get my April reviews written and blog post up! This is one of those months where I told Goodreads I started reading all ten of these books but never marked them as finished or wrote the review until today. So I just spent the last 2 hours writing all these! There are some good books in the mix, get excited! PS: I have quite a few books I preordered and am excited to read when they come out! I wanted to share them with ... continue reading...
Creating Albums for your photos & why I make a Family Yearbook
Ask Elizabeth: How to you go about printing photos for yourself? Is there a method to the madness? I want to make albums but not sure how to start! How do you organize them? What a fun question! I am excited for this blog post. Printing photos and making memory books for our family is one of my favorite things to do with the crazy embarrassing amount of photos I take! I print family photos for frames around the house (like this), I print them small and use them for bookmarks or pinned on the ... continue reading...
March Books
We started to listen to "our stories" in the car nearly every time we drive around which added three books to this list! Bruce reads to the girls at night but I'm putting Thorin down/ cleaning up dinner so I don't get to be a part of it every time. We do reading for homeschool and lots of picture books during the day, but I wanted to read more stories with them that we can talk about together. Car stories has been a huge hit (for Hilde mostly ;)) and I've been stocking up on CDs from our ... continue reading...