the title of my blog and the cry of my new tattoo.[that i will get when i find some money] i am currently listening to this song on repeat. because it is so good.and it reminds me of the beauty of brokenness. sometimes we forget. some of the most beautiful things in life are broken.but we forget because broken hearts feel like crap.broken bones hurt real bad [i am sure, no personal experience here].broken promises disappoint.broken relationships cause can ... continue reading...
Everything inside me hates to wait so long, as time sings his sluggish song. Your face that shines with love so true, my heart yearns, aches, waits for you. Because waiting for you is like waking on water, only faith can move me one step farther. Patience to stay focused on something more, and He soothes my burning soul. With focused eyes, the wait goes by, and every step brings more hope to try. Hope to find you somewhere up ahead, where my ... continue reading...
london. mary poppins.
While in London, sing as Mary Poppins would do! "Early each day to the steps of Saint Paul's, the little old bird woman comes. In her own special way to the people she calls 'come buy my bags full of crumbs' All around the cathedral the saints and apostles look down as she sells her wares. Although you can't see it, you know they are smiling each time someone shows that he cares. Though her words are simple and few, listen, listen, she's calling to you: 'Feed the birds, tuppence a ... continue reading...
Christ will join each broken link
there are some moments you will never forget. moments when there is depth to each action that takes place. the stroke of each paintbrush. the giggle at each joke. the smiles of accomplishment. the joy of just being with each other. yes. you can see we painted a wall. but this was more than a sunday school craft, this was us (jbu) leaving a mark. leaving our prayer for the city of belfast. our true heart's desire for the city that we have fallen in love with. this wall is the peace wall. ... continue reading...
mere words
as i sit down here to write my very first words of my newly created blog, i am wordless. what can i possibly say that has any value? i can write so much but in the end, it is all just a pile of mere words... forming thoughts i suppose. katharsis: the purging and cleansing of ones emotions. after discovering this word in my english class once upon a time it has been a word that has remained with me... i find myself entering this process weekly, and i feel the weight when i try and shove my ... continue reading...