I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live. (Ecclesiastes 3:12) Christmas time is my favorite time of the year. I know for many the spending, the doing, and the chaos can make this season less than. We can easily get so distracted from the Christmas Story - the longing for a savior and the rejoicing over His coming. Instead of being grateful for what we do have, we covet what others have and we long for our wish lists to be ... continue reading...
October Books
Another month down and we are fast approaching the end of the year! My goal for this year is to read 75 books and at this point (including this lot!) I am at 71 so there is a good chance I will reach and even surpass my goal! Wahoo! I don't really have much else to prattle on here about, so lets just get into the book reviews! Little Women by Louisa May Alcott (Focus on the Family) 5 Stars: I listened to the audio drama of Little Women by Focus on the Family in the car with the kids ... continue reading...
September Books
We are on year two of homeschooling and I am realizing that books are such a huge part of our homeschool. The way books can bring us together as a family, creating memories and connections to the world, is truly a gift. Not every book is a good book, but there are plenty of wonderful stories out there to discover and enjoy. Reading isn't just a subject to teach my first grader, it is a way of living. We read the Word of God in the morning, we share good stories together aloud, we model choosing ... continue reading...
Raising Rock Collectors
I'm raising rock collectors. They fill their pockets, my pockets, shoes, hats, hands, and anything that can hold, with cool rocks they have discovered. This is something that has only increased with ages and numbers of my children. We got our oldest a rock polisher for her birthday (yes, we are feeding the addiction!) and now the kids are always on the hunt for "massive quartz" which is in ABUNDANCE in our region (It cleans up really pretty!) And because we live in Colorado, ... continue reading...
August Books
Happy September! It is time to share my August reads with you! We all know how much I love historical fiction, but I have been diving into the classics and memoirs lately and enjoying them just as much! Plus all the homeschooling books as I really push into this new season of my life! It may seem like all I blog about these days is books, and it is kind of true! Right now in this season, I spend a lot of time with my kids and I enjoy the rest that a good book gives me - much more satisfying than ... continue reading...