Happy September! It is time to share my August reads with you! We all know how much I love historical fiction, but I have been diving into the classics and memoirs lately and enjoying them just as much! Plus all the homeschooling books as I really push into this new season of my life! It may seem like all I blog about these days is books, and it is kind of true! Right now in this season, I spend a lot of time with my kids and I enjoy the rest that a good book gives me - much more satisfying than ... continue reading...
HomeSchool: The Preschool + Kindergarten Years
Ask Elizabeth: What's the homeschool curriculum you use? And did you use one for toddler / preschool age? Any tips for creating rhythms and discipleship moments for kids ages 2 - 6? I was asked this question several different ways this week - in person and online - and I thought it a very fitting Ask Elizabeth to tackle right now. In many ways I am still in the middle of this toddler/ preschool season of homeschool, but we have also been doing it for a couple years now! Hilde is my oldest at ... continue reading...
July Books
I find it hilarious that I am making myself stay on top of these monthly book posts while I am sitting on dozens of drafts of other blog posts that are arguably more important or at least more personal than these ones. But for some reason I cannot stop sharing my very valuable opinions on the books I've been reading and bragging about my progress toward my book reading goal for 2024 ;) Ever since I quit influencing and Instagram, I've found so many pockets of free time to read again. I read ... continue reading...
June Books
Oh hello there July! I guess we are at the halfway point for our 2024 reading challenge! I read quite a few books that have been on my to-read list and I didn't love them all - every book can't be a winner right? I'm also realizing that books our book tastes can change depending on seasons and circumstances and stages in life. So just because a book is a miss for me, it may not be for you! I just tend to be a bit opinionated in my book reviews - but I feel like it is a good place for that! ... continue reading...
May Books
May was a great month for reading - it must have been a birthday gift to me! I enjoyed and devoured all these stories and books this month! Everything coming in a 4 or 5 stars! Wahoo! This month also marks a non-library month! All these books I had preordered or purchased at some point so they were all already sitting on my bookshelves. It is always encouraging to get more of these owned books checked off my reading list! For a Lifetime by Gabrielle Meyer 5 Stars: You know when you ... continue reading...