My maternity leave plan: Just wing it 😉
I wrote a post last time on what my Maternity Leave was going to look like and I realized I never really came back from it. JK. I did but having a baby changed my life in the best way and also changed the trajectory of my blog.
Round two is upon us and I’ve been asked again what my Maternity Leave will look like by friends and readers. It’s funny really because I feel like so many of you have stopped expecting anything consistent from me anyways. Not in a bad way or anything, but I’m not that mom blog who has been able to stay on top of a blogging schedule. Even without a newborn now there is a good chance that I won’t get a new post up each week.
But I do have a plan for my maternity leave and it entails going through my drafts and finally getting a bunch of half written posts live! I had NO idea how many posts have been wasting away in my draft folder on my blog until I looked the other night trying to find a post on Christmas that I half wrote. Some of these are from over a year ago… so get ready for a journey!
I’ll also pop in with a birth story post, announcement, or something when I feel like it. Last time I was more strict about what maternity leave would look like and this time I’m just doing my own thing – so sue me 😂 (said in my Michael Scott voice)
But really, I think my goal for 2020 and this blog is to blog for me. As selfish as that sounds, I don’t have time in this season to curate a perfect blog that draws in readers, sticks to a niche, and converts sales. I’m going back to my roots and blogging from the heart and my camera real.
I hope you stick around for the journey and the transformation. I really don’t say it often enough but the fact that so many of you are here still after TEN years is incredible! You are the reason I am even able to have “maternity leave” blog posts to write and plans to make! Staying at home with my babies was always a dream of mine, I didn’t think I could do it while working too. Thanks for giving me the gift of being able to be self employed and flexible! Thank you also for the gift of memories – if it wasn’t for this blog, I wouldn’t have so many photos to look back on!

Bag: Lily Jade Caroline Diaper Bag
Cardigan: GAP (similar)
Shirt: Just Peachy from Raising Tito
Boots: Toms Boots (similar)