You know what is fun? Friendship. And color coordination. After a pretty crazy week I finally got all the 4th of July photos off my camera and onto my computer. I had big dreams of a July 5th post but when you stay up late watching fireworks, you don’t want to edit photos and write a blog post when you get home. I thought about it for about 5 minutes and then I brushed my teeth and went to bed 😉 So here I am today after the Mondayist Monday I have had in awhile and writing this post to share with you – late.
This year we were chatting about how none of us really have plans for the holiday. With it being on a Tuesday, most people were not going out of town and our families were throwing huge 4th parties anymore – so we decided to start our own tradition! We received a text from our friends inviting us to the first annual 4th of July party at their house. Dinner, drinks, and lawn games at Gentry& Monica’s house followed by dessert & fireworks on the roof of our other friend’s Ray & Nikki’s house!
We all showed up, bringing along siblings and friends to make sure no one was alone on the holiday and we celebrated freedom together. Our country is far from perfect but we are so thankful for the opportunities we have living here. But more than that, we are thankful for the freedom we have in Christ! “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free! Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” – Gal 5:1
That freedom allows us to gather together and invest in friendships with each other because although we are not perfect, there is grace. It allows us to forgive and to encourage. Freedom in Christ allows us to love each other like family because we are family. This year I am drawn back again & again to the gift of friendship. It is valuable. It is life-changing. I remember reading the words of Saint Augustine and loving his theology on friendship – “for although they cling together, no friends are true friends unless you, my God, bind them fast to one another through that love which is sown in our hearts by the Holy Ghost, who is given to us.” Because of His great love of us, we are able to love others more deeper than we can ever know. What a beautiful painting of the friendships that form in Christ and it is what separates us from the rest of the world; By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another (John 13:35).
I’m carrying my camera around all the time these days so everyone is getting more used to my camera being out. Which is great news because I get photos like this from all our gatherings. And I love being able to remember the years and document the annual 4th of July gatherings through this blog & my camera. See?! Look how cute we are!!

I am seriously loving these images and the fun time y’all had!
It was SO DANG HOT in Charleston we literally were at the pool for 2 hours and then didn’t leave the house. I’m a little jealous of your fun day! 🙂 <3 haha
Looks like you had a splendid, 4th! And I’m loving your top!
I love seeing all your joy-looks like a terrific Fourth!! Also that Wonder Woman shirt is MARVELous!!! That movie is pretty dang amazing and I keep wanting to see it again. 🙂
I love that you have your camera ready with you at all times!!! These are the moments that make the best blog posts 🙂 Glad you had a great 4th.
that backyard is GOLD! I’ve always thought the best pictures are just snaps of a good time!
I like the intro. Looks like you had a fun holiday! The baby is too cute…
You guys are all so cute! This is so fun! I love seeing those mountains in the background too! Our 4th of July was pretty low key, but still fun!