AUTHENTICITY on the internet, in front of your eyes. One of the key values and deepest desires of my heart is to be authentic. To share my stories and to listen to others. To be a place of hope, of peace, of trust. Where life is real and messy but God is good and faithful.
But where is that line? That line between sharing my story and sharing others stories. Because yes, I want you to know my life is not perfect. Currently my Christmas decorations are all up and pretty (you may have seen them on my instagram) but my kitchen is still a mess from dinner the other night and I frankly am too tired to clean it up. I am tired because I turn to worry instead of trust and lay in bed at night unable to turn my mind off. I am tried because I’ve had to give up sleep and plans to watch my wonderful and energetic nieces and nephews and I question my ability to ever be a good mother to my own kids one day. I am tired because other peoples choices and actions affect me whether they want to or realize. I am tired because the world is hard, work is demanding, and I am not perfect.
I can share that with you. My experience on this side of things but I can’t be as open with you as I would if I was sitting down to coffee with you. And even so, not all my coffee date friends can know the completly workings of my life (but believe me you need people to talk to. That is why community is SO important and that group of people I meet with every week get to hear me cry and process and seek and rejoice every week are so valuable.)
I don’t know if you have felt distant from me. I don’t know if you have noticed a change in the tone of my posts and possibly the suffocation of superficial posts. I wasn’t trying to edge you on on purpose. I wasn’t trying to be a sell out. I never want to step away from the things that I value most here on this blog – Jesus, Healthily Living, Trust, and Authenticity. But these last months have been hard – for many reasons. If you read my December goals, you would have caught some of the things November surprised me with but it has been a time of the Lord really whispering to my heart and asking me “Is your value really in this? Or this? The things of the earth that our fading away? Why not Me? Please Beth, choose Me.”
Sweet friends. Life is not perfect but our sweet Savior is! He really is. He is good when there is nothing good in me. He hope even in my wandering. He is the solid foundation – the rock to which I cling.
So blogging in hard when I have to reflect my imperfections. It is hard when life is hard. It is hard because I want to invite you in but I need to protect the stories of those around me – not everything is meant to be shared over the internet. But we can still connect. We can share our struggles and unite in prayer. and we can still be authentic. Please know I am human just like you, my heart breaks in this broken world as I am sure yours does as well. I am not perfect and I don’t need to be (and neither do you!)
Love your insight! It’s so true. I’ve done a post before about how I’m not perfect, etc etc, but sometime it’s still so hard to be transparent and for people to understand we are just regular people sharing our story! It’s hard to find the balance!
Elizabeth, I really appreciate the honesty in this post!! Authenticity online and esp. in blogging are the types of blogs I am more and more drawn to. Yes I love the fun giveaways and DIY’s but sharing the realness of our joys and struggles, along with hope and faith are the things that last. I always find your place here to be that encourgament for me as I find my voice:) Thank you for this post today…soo needed for me:)
Thanks for your honesty and vulnerability. Praying for you right now. Blessings in this Christmas season.
Blogging is so hard, it’s times like the one that you’re going through that I tend to pull away a bit too, and that’s ok because like you said, we can’t share a story that isn’t ours to share. You’re an incredible person for taking in your nieces and nephews. Praying for your family and whatever it is you’re going through xo
Your vulnerability is incredible. Blogging isn’t easy, but you are an incredible blogger! Praying for you sweet friend!
Really loved this post, Beth– thanks for sharing 🙂 I’ve learned that our blogs go through seasons just as we do, and it’s okay to have that up-and-down. I hope this season is filled with peace!
amen and amen.
i love when a post bleeds authenticity and transparency – and yours did just that.
opening up, even a sliver, can be scary and frustrating.
i commend you for doing it, and want to wrap my arms around you and remind you that you are not alone within the struggle, and finding the balance is always hard.
i think YOU needed to write this post more than anything, to remind yourself of where you are, what God is doing, how you’re connecting, and to break down any walls that have been built.
Cheers to freedom from chains and to take a deep breath of relief.
God is moving within you Beth, we see it, even if you can’t always. <3
So. So. True. I struggle with the same thing fairly often for a myriad of my own personal reasons. Blogging is as rewarding as it is hard, but it’s so important to remember Who we need to turn to first and to realize that sometimes it’s okay to back up for a moment and rest in His arms. Even if it means missing a posting day or not doing the dishes, or whatever we may need to put down in order to build ourselves back up.
Beth this was amazing, thank you for sharing your feelings! You wrote exactly what myself, and other bloggers, feel on our hard days! It’s a struggle to write something positive on your blog when life isn’t so positive. God gives us strength during these times and I know He is giving you strength even now! Never give up on HIM or you dreams! <3
I’m sorry your heart is heavy, Beth. It’s amazing how God can lift up our spirits if we just lean on him…. easier said than done, I know! Blogging is definitely harder when heavy life stuff is going on behind the scenes, but sometimes it can be a great outlet for me, I hope it’s that way for you, too.