remember a couple weeks back when i posted about my conviction to intentionally speak life because it is not something that comes naturally to me (or mankind in general!)? well, i ordered the shirt from Naptime Diaries and She Does Justice (it is only $25) and i love it. for multiple reasons really, who doesn’t love a good graphic v-neck? but because it is also such a sweet reminder to be aware of my words.
confession: i did lie a little while wearing this shirt because i panicked. these running moms passed me on the trail when i was taking this photos (with my tripod) and asked me if i was working on a school project. i smiled and said yes (because i don’t want to say, “no i am a 25 year old who blogs and i am taking pictures of my outfit!”) they then told me that i was not allowed to stand off the trail and i should get home before the storm came in – oh dear. i need to start rocking the “i have a blog thing” i don’t know why it is so embarrassing for me to talk about sometimes….
i guess that will just be my point. no one is perfect but that does not mean that we do not have to try. when i get up every morning to spend time with Jesus i still get frustrated at my husband when he misses a turn when we are already late going to a function sometimes or talk about a coworker to my other coworkers because of a silly miscommunication. but i know those things are less when the Lord has a louder, clearer voice in my heart. i have spent time with Him that day, so clutter in my heart has been dealt with (or picked up a little) and i recall our conversation that morning and it encourages me to keep the communication through out the day.
and speak up! speak the Truth even when no one else is. find something to encourage even when that person messed up. be confident in who you are in Christ and tell people you blog and maybe even share the address with them so that they can see Jesus (okay, maybe that one was directed toward me!!!). a quiet and gentle spirit (1 peter 3:4) is not always silent – it listens, loves, and encourages. it is quiet when the flesh wants to speak death and chooses to seek the Lord for help to SPEAK LIFE.
I agree! It seems we shy away sometimes but God encourages us to speak life and spread his word! Thank you for sharing!!
I agree! It seems we shy away sometimes but God encourages us to speak life and spread his word! Thank you for sharing!!
Thanks for being honest and giving done great truth! You are such a kind and joyful person!
Ah, I love how human you are. I probably would have done the same thing, agree that I'm in high school. I don't know why we should feel silly telling people we blog, it's a profession for some (a really good one).
In my town there are some really cool buildings to use for shooting outfit photos but I get so nervous taking photos of myself out in public. Is everyone watching me? SO silly.
You are beautiful! Take more pictures of yourself and share them with us 🙂
I can absolutely relate to feeling a little insecure about my blog and creative outlets. The more I share it though, the more comfortable with it I become. Now I'm just trying to find a brief way to describe it ALL, rather than "I'm a blogger, vlogger, writer, creative and blah, blah, blah…"
It's embarrassing to share because our blogs are a part of our very heart. We're exposing ourselves to the ENTIRE WORLD and we know we can be hurt and rejected on occasion… it's only natural to want to protect ourselves from that.
I LOVE this! Speaking life is so important and I need reminders ALL DAY LONG (especially since I'm visiting family and living under Mom and Dad's roof for three weeks!).
Love your pictures! Thanks for being honest with that story too. 🙂 I keep my blog to myself too and am always asking how you guys take style pictures in a public place!
Love this post! And your outfit too. 🙂
Cute SKIRT!!! Aggggg!!!
your outfit is fabulous!
and girl, i get weird when i tell people i have a blog too. most of the time i just get blank vacant stares like "uh…ok?" 😉
and thank you for sharing a piece of your heart.
grounding myself in God's word is so important, so that it overflows into the other areas of my life…i needed that reminder. thanks beth!
Love the shirt! Also, love your story about finding it hard to say you're a blogger – I can imagine that being an interesting conversation!