guess who already ordered her Christmas cards?!?! this girl. i just cannot resist a good deal and $25 off of my Christmas cards was right up my ally! (i also chose the express service and saved even more!) Christmas cards are also a necessity to me! i value sending photos and notes to my family & friends. i always have enjoyed that. i find that the earlier you order your cards, the more you save.
i got the recycled paper (because i think that is great) and love the texture and feel of the cards. they are so think and all natural feeling. we wanted something simple, sweet, and woodsy. i feel like we made the right choice. we picked the petite Christmas cards with blank backs so that we could write sweet little nothings to the ones we love. they have plenty of options and you can spend anywhere from $15 -$200 on your dream cards. ours were $17 including shipping. i’ll take that! (seriously! work the coupons!)
so i’ll wish you a Merry Christmas while i am at it but don’t worry- i am not skipping fall! i am still planning my Halloween outfit for our annual Mayberry Halloween bash (because i want to be at my house to hand out candy to the neighbors), i have a great harvest DIY that i will be sharing with you, and my sweet megs is coming to do Thanksgiving Colorado style! no rushing through that. just a little planning ahead on my part 😉
Wow girl. You are ON IT!!! I love these!! And how exciting that Meg is spending thanksgiving with you. That's so fun!
I have had my Christmas cards waiting in my saved items on minted for a month now! I couldn't bring myself to pay (or convince my husband to pay) over $100. But after I changed it to the petite cards, used a promo code I have saved, did express service and used your "refer a friend" discount I just ordered them for under $42!! Thank you so much, Beth! Merry Christmas!! 😉
Love them! I love the colors, the texture, and the two people in the picture. 😉
Oh my gosh how cute are those?!?!?
LOVE wow seriously LOVE them!!!
love love love love LOVE!
I need to get on the ball with this, but i'll be honest it will probably happen after thanksgiving. when my bro is gone, there is no way I can get a picture of him haha!
eeeep! i love them. but of course, i love anything and everything you make 🙂 can't wait to get mine in the mail! 😉 haha. YAY THANKSGIVING. i'm so excited to spend my first holiday with the mayberry clan. the best!!
dave ramsey would be proud, alex. you little bargain shopper, you. 😉
Those are great! Good for you for getting it done. Christmas cards are important to me, too. My mom is visiting this weekend and I'm hoping to make time to take some holiday pictures to use for our cars this year 🙂
These are so cute!! And $17, very affordable! 🙂