last night bruce and i met with our marriage mentors – the Copelin’s. mark & marty are a huge blessing in our lives and we have been so encouraged/challenged by our times with them. they have been married 30 something years and are old enough to be our parents but that is what makes it so sweet. they have walked the path we are on. they know what it is like. they remember. and they have grown.
one thing that bruce & i really value is premarital counseling. within a week of getting engaged we were trying to figure out where to go for that counsel. since we were having both of our fathers perform the ceremony, we wanted to do counseling with someone else. that is when we began meeting with the Copelin’s and going through prepare & enrich. with a twelve week engagement, we only got a couple chapters into the book and so last night we finished it with a discussion on goal setting.
for US
for ME
for our FAMILY
whether you are single, dating, engaged, or married – i think that setting goals is a key component in living a healthy life. goals are freeing. they give you something to work toward but they are not set in concrete (like sometime new year’s resolutions feel) if your passions change, you can change your goals. they grow, mold, and move with you. some like “pursue healthy living” never have an ending date and some are more measurable than others – it’s okay. all i know is that living life with direction is exciting and purposeful. it makes getting up in the morning a tad bit easier.
so go scribble down some goals in a old journal. share them with someone who knows your heart. and see what happens next.
this is a great idea. even just a little here and there really helps to create a better balance in life, and it's great that you guys are working together on this! happy friday 🙂
grace & love,
so enjoying this post today. I deft need to start jotting some goals with my husband and alone 🙂
this is just so cool to me that you guys are setting goals as a couple, especially before you're even married!! i would love to do something like this.. im going to try and start convincing my fiance tonight! 🙂
this is a really good idea- maybe this week I will remember to do this via art journaling or something. 'twould be fun 🙂
Omg, we did Prepare / Enrich and it was so awesome!! Good choice 🙂
What a great idea!! I'm definitely going to do this with my husband.
And I'm definitely going to by the book!