i was eager to grab a couple minutes to look over the new real simple
i had just gotten it in the mail & i love to take one big look through
& throw it on a coffee table for later lookie loos
(i always hope that i will pick it up for one of there delicious recipes but i have yet to make such a big commitment to cooking!)
this morning i sat down with my coffee & my eggs
(i had just made us a huge batch because i wont let my husband have milk with his cereal when he has a nasty cold.)
i had more time than i normally do in the morning (because my husband & i closed on our house today!!!) so i could spend time with Jesus & look through my new magazine.
i love this magazine.
still do.
but i was SHOCKED when i came across this article:
“Beth!” i said to myself, “this is the REAL WORLD”
one saturated with sin & darkness resulting from the fall
i see THAT darkness.
i see it in poverty, in pain, in crime, in broken relationships
but i did not expect to see it in my favorite magazine.
2 of them i agree with, 3 i don’t
their advice?
“if someone is plotting against you or if someone’s status has suddenly grown or dropped, you really want to know about that. information is power, and its dissemination reduces the influence of the people who had it first” (Paul Bloom, page 76, Real Simple October 2012)
“i’ve realized there is incredible pleasure and possibility in deciding to veg out and do nothing for a change” (Erica Jong, page 76, Real Simple October 2012)
“now i appreciate meat’s flavor and its ability to satisfy me even more!” (Graham Hill, page 76, Real Simple October 2012)
“schadenfreude – the pleasure you get from the misfortune of someone else- can feel great… you are not rejoicing that these people are suffering, but rather that the karmic system works. we all want to believe that what goes around comes around” (John Portmann, page 76, Real Simple October 2012)
“not acknowledging your desires is as damaging as acting on them impulsively” (Sabrina Jeffries, page 76, Real Simple October 2012)
i say:
we all know how hurtful words can be. we have all been hurt by words and we have all hurt others with our words. it is a trap. gossip not only hurts others but hurts ourselves. we fill our minds with negative thoughts of others. we become convinced that we have the “right” to talk rude about others or judge them because we are “better” YUCK. it is just a bad place to be.
let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
2. YES.
we do need to rest. i believe that is VERY Biblical. think of the story of Mary & Martha (Luke 10:38-42). and we see Jesus repeating our need to rest in Him through the gospels. we still work hard for the Lord and to provide for our families but REST is a necessity.
MATTHEW 11:28-30
come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for i am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
i never even knew eating meat was a vice! go ahead. have a burger (with a beer) YUM.
we are all sinners. if the karmic system “worked” we would all be done for. in fact, it kind of does. i would just call it the penalty for sins – death (Romans 6:23). we are also reminded in scripture that pay back isn’t ours. in fact, we are called to love our enemies (Proverbs 25:21-22). we should rejoice with those who rejoice, and mourn with those who mourn (Romans 12:15). i don’t think we should feel any pleasure in the misfortune of others. if we want grace, we should be gracious. if we want mercy, we should be merciful. we are ALL sinners. we are no better or worse than anyone.
blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
i would never say being lustful is a good thing. we are called to guard our hearts against such sexual desire- it is adulterous (Matthew 5:28). lusting after every sexy body that passes our way is not good for our hearts and rude for them (even if they never know)
HOWEVER sexual desire is a very good and godly thing! everyone turn in your Bibles to the Song of Solomon! sexual desire is healthy in the context of a committed marriage relationship. it goes hand in hand with a friendship, a partnership, a love. we were created as sexual beings and created to share that type of relationship with someone. WAIT for the right person to share that type of relationship with and protect yourself from a lot of hurt. lusting only hurts us more. acknowledge yourself as a sexual being, yes. give into a lustful thought pattern, please don’t let your heart get entangled in that.
longest post i have done in a while… but i had to write it.
i was convicted.
this is why it is called the “upside-down kingdom”
our world does not think the way we do
sin is evident even in “nice” people who write in homemaking magazines!
we NEED to stand out. to go against the flow
we need to be known for our love.
thanks for this, beth. what an incredible reminder of who we need to be in this world. i love you!
Nice post and comments Beth! It's a refreshing take on topics that many are beginning to see backward.
I agree.
great post! I loved this! and totally agree with you. silly magazine!